Paypal is the best comparing same case with payza

Paypal has withdraw option after 45 days but payza reserves the right to fine you a penalty of $500 and upwards.[see official email]
We recently noticed an issue with your account. To see what you can and can't do while your account is limited, go to the Resolution Center.
Your account has been limited for more than 45 days. It will continue to be limited but you now have the ability to withdraw funds.
Why is my account access limited?
Your account access has been limited for the following reason(s):

  • Apr 12, 2012: You're only allowed to have one personal and one business account. In addition, we noticed one or more of the following problems: 
    • You provided information that we believe was false, inaccurate, or misleading; or
    • You sent or received payment that was potentially related to fraudulent activity; or
    • You have more than one account with a negative balance; or
    • You are in violation of the User Agreement, the Commercial Entity Agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy, or another agreement you have with PayPal.
    Our decision was based on terms outlined in these agreements.

    Because of this, we've limited your accounts and can no longer offer our services to you. You'll still be able to log in to view your transaction history, but you won't be able to send or receive payment.

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